Rather. But it still crashes. Only used in anywhere when SAVE function under MENU was grey out (or unvailable). Pretty late, but for people who want to get an answer, try rolling back a version to an older desmume version by porting over your 'states' folder, load a state in that version (keep going back until it works), save the game, then port the save forward to the newer version using the 'battery' folder. cfg with the default one (ugh). Emulation>Cheats>Disable. But dual SP makes the sound very laggy and choppy. Just play the game normally, without loading any states. So i put the bios files in and it says they are there. I had two save states with this game specifically, and only those two crash Retroarch. 8b under OSX 10. Game : Lufia - Rise of the Sinistrals. 5. I ignored the popup and was able to play. Registered: 2022-07-18 Posts: 1 Hello, I play Pokémon Black 2 since friday, and everytime I save I save a state in the slot 1 and a DST file with the option "save. I was playing my Pokémon HeartGold in DeSmuME when suddenly I load state to go back in a part and the game just crashes/freezes a few seconds after the load state and I. Savestates less than 24 hours. DeSmuME is a Nintendo DS emulator Status: Beta Brought to you by: mtabachenko , yabause , zeromus #1287 Can't load my save states : ( Milestone: v0. If I then save the game, the save file is fine and can be read by both OpenEmu and DeSmuME. 5) 1. If you are still looking for help with this. 9. The. If you using save state, press Shift F (any numbers). Now send this back to your phone and place this in the save location (save, not savestate) for your core. However, starting sometime recently attempting to load a save state for this game causes a crash. don't do that. Ive noticed if I set sound settings to synchronous instead of the default "dual SP" is when the crashes start. load your game,. IIRC, they're required for melonDS. poopucket • 4 mo. The in game save works, but sometimes while it said it saved, when I load my game, it loads a few saves ago. But dual SP makes the sound very laggy and choppy. Use the emulator corresponding to your core, put the savestate in the savestate location for that emulator, load the game, load the savestate, then save ingame. Standalone emulator: PCSX2 - PCSX2 is currently the only officially supported option for earning achievements. After a lot of work, I got everything back to how I wanted. libretro core: LRPS2 - Still in alpha state - Does not expose memory. crashes when loading save state any game #243. PlayStation 2. loading works fine the first or second time when starting the emulator and game, but crashes after. Load state just press F1 (or any other F keys for other states). 3. #1 2022-09-02 03:25:36 sickbutt Member Registered: 2022-09-02 Posts: 6 Game : Lufia - Rise of the Sinistrals save stating works fine loading works fine the first or. If I load a state for Pokémon Soul Silver that is more than a day old, Desmume always crashes with "Desmume git#e6b3dfd has stopped working" It will. Closed Moltresrider opened this issue Jan 7, 2019 · 13 comments Closed. Likely there is corruption, but hoping there may be a way to save hours of game play from being lost. . I try to reload the save state a third time it crashes. If you load any older states, you're forcing the emulator to load the state into memory. Sure. The only problem is, one of my game save states won't load. The DSV is a save of the game, and when you start the game, the game loads the DSV into memory. 7. Which effectively force overwrites the memory. loading works fine the first or second time when starting the emulator and game, but crashes after. yonizaf Member Registered: 2009-12-22 Posts: 179 (on 0. If I load a state for Pokémon Soul Silver that is more than a day old, Desmume always crashes with "Desmume [git version] has stopped working" It will crash every time I try to load this state. However, if I save the state (by pressing command+S) and then try to load it, I get the same popup and the game freezes (I can unfreeze it by resetting the emulation or by closing and reopening OpenEmu). For original save ingame, only available when you are on world map and blue circle inside dungeon. It'll load near (or to) %100 and then just quit the program. They go in your 'system' directory, the location of which you can find by going to settings > directory. save stating works fine. Its inconsistent, sometimes it crashes upon loading the save state the second time, and sometimes it happens on the third reloading of the save state. libretro core: Play! - Low compatibility with most commerical games - Black screen with stuttering sound. ini. While updating RetroArch, I accidentally overwrote my old . open desmume without loading the game. 2. Ive noticed if I set sound settings to synchronous instead of the default "dual SP" is when the crashes start. 9. When I start up the emulator, start the game and load my save state it works, I make a mistake and reload the save state, good. Here is a log. ago. Desmume always worked correctly for me, but now when I try to load state, desmume crash Offline #2 2022-06-13 03:23:30 zeromus Radical Ninja Registered: 2009-01-05 Posts: 6,053 so what did you change? did you update desmume? did you change. Game : Lufia - Rise of the Sinistrals. Just backup your desmume. Example Shift F1 for save state 1. it will load (the screen shows what I was up to when I saved it), but RA stops responding and will eventually crash. DeSmumE keeps crashing I'm playing pokemon soul silver and using the universal randomizer with the all medicines, master balls, tms/hms, and shiny pokemon cheats. #1 2012-12-15 12:54:43 Soel Member Registered: 2012-12-15 Posts: 2 Hello, I'm playing Castlevania Portrait of Ruin with Desmume 0. save stating works fine. 9. 9. Make sure to use both savestates and ingame saves to be safe from now on.